Latvijas ziņu portāls. Jaunākās ziņas, politika, ekonomika, foto un video, kā arī citas aktualitātes atradīsi Apollo.lv
Baltic Times, The
Breaking news from Latvia, Estonia & Lithuania. Independent weekly newspaper that covers latest political, business and cultural events in the Baltics
Baltische Rundschau
Baltische Medien in Brüssel unterrepräsentiert. Litauische und lettische Medien sind mit jeweils nur einem akkreditierten Journalisten bei der Europäischen .Global bank, global currency ,Estland,Litauen,
Bauskas Dzīve
Biznes & Baltiya Бизнес & Балтия
Ежедневная международная газета, сетевой выпуск
Ziņu aģentūra BNS, kas darbojas Somijas mediju koncerna "Alma Media" sastāvā, ir lielākā informācijas aģentūra Baltijas valstīs, un tās biroji darbojas Igaunijā, ...
One of the most widely circulate Latvian language daily newspapers.
Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze
Contains articles about Latvian news, world news, economics, sports, entertainment, classifieds, show biz, interviews, studies, and more.
Dienas bizness
Leading business and financial newspaper. The newspaper focusing on sales, finance, auto, taxes, production, transportation, logistics, technology, energy, and more.
Baltic Times
Weekly newspaper covering Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.
Čekeme Avīze - Liepāja
Vecherniye Vesti
Broadsheet newspaper based in Tukums.
Latvians Online
Featuring latest news, events, commentary, discussion forums, shopping, travel, and product reviews.
Offering news, views, comments on developments in the region, articles for the children, youth, women, entrepreneurs, farmers, information on beauty, health care, cultural, sporting, events, history and much more.
Bauskas Dzive
Regional newspaper published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Latgales Laiks
Contains articles about current events, property, culture, traditions, tour, weather, cinema and more.
Russian language newspaper.
Nasha Gazeta
Daugavpils based newspaper.
Briva Daugava
Jekabpils based newspaper was founded in 1940.
Novaya Gazeta
Regional newspaper based in Jelgava.